thoughts (ripped off from nike) as we enter this thanksgiving
"Sooner or later you start taking yourself seriously. You know when you need a break. You know when you need a rest. You know what to get worked up about, and what to get rid of. And you know when it's time to do something that makes you stronger, faster, more complete. Because it's never too late to have a life. And never too late to change one."
- from Nike ad
Not particularly relevant to Thanksgiving, per say, but relevant to - finally - this feeling of hope and acceptance and realizing maybe things will be ok in the end, after all. A tough year, and not to get all pseudo-psychological, but I'm starting to see that things that are trying not necessarily as curses, but as, really, what life is. You do difficult things and it makes you stronger. You have the knowledge that you've lived through something terrible/difficult/terrifying/heart pulverizing. You know it sucks and you'd really, truly rather not do it again, but you know you can live through it. So the small things actually become small and not so worrisome as before. "After all," you can say, "I've lived through xyz, and even though I don't know how I'm going to handle this situation right now, I know I will figure it out and get through it." Maybe this is - finally - growing up. Things aren't perfect, but they could be much, much, much worse. I will be ok. I won't be at soul crushing job forever. I will keep improving and learning and getting better. I will meet more fascinating, kind, intelligent, fearless souls. I will see more amazing things, both grand and small. I am, at heart of it all, ok, no matter what happens or who does or says what. My writing is rusty. I haven't written regularly for years - more than three. There's now a "Monetize" tab at the top of blogger, along with the "Posting," "Settings," and "Template." Oh, world. But, Thanksgiving. I am ready.
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